Domain HQ | 100 Harris Street

Pyrmont, NSW

Enticing workers back into the office through clever refurbishment.

With the rollout of Domain’s new work from home policy, Intermain were engaged to assist with the new strategy and design to consolidate the work environment from multiple floors, into one.

The new brief required a variety of meeting spaces and places, maximising different modes of working throughout the space. One of the key drivers for this adaptation was the new purpose-built training facility allowing staff to seamlessly connect to AV for internal presentations and external calls.

In line with the new working world, a purpose-built Pet Friendly Zone was built to keep our four-legged friends from getting into any mischief (refer below right). A Play-Zone including games tables and breakout zones allow staff to reset and recharge throughout the day while creating a sense of ‘home’ at work.

The main workspace was designed with a people centric view in mind. Essential resources such as phone pods, lockers, and breakout spaces are cleverly distributed to support agile working.




2,000+ sqm 

Working with the existing elements, the new built environment blends into the existing fitout to ensure visual consistency and maximum impact. The perfect balance of collaboration, social, and focus spaces to ensure employees feel comfortable and confident throughout their working day.

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