Goodman HQ | The Hayesbery

Rosebery, NSW

"The world is changing fast. It’s not enough to keep up. To stay ahead, you need to step up. Learn and adapt. To continue to go above and beyond, we’ve evolved the way we work. Tomorrow’s already here. And we’re ready for it.” - Goodman

The Goodman HQ, The Hayesbery, is a state-of-the-art workspace spearheading the evolution of  ‘office of the future’.  In conjunction with Woods Bagot, Goodman adopted the adaptive reuse model and created a road map for a sustainable, innovative and COVID-19 safe workspace.

The Hayesbery was designed with employees health and wellbeing at the forefront during the COVID-19 era.  It is a flexible environment created and considered for employees to return to the workplace to connect with their community, create and collaborate.


Rosebery, NSW

Delivery Model

Woods Bagot

Floor Area
5,000 sqm

Construction Duration
12 weeks

Seamless Collaboration

Working with Woods Bagot, the design remained fluid during the height of COVID-19, with elements being added or removed based on cutting edge research. The result is an environment made for a world to strive and thrive post the current pandemic.


The Intermain team consisting of project managers, design managers, site staff, and a joinery team managed over 100 workers on-site each day. Throughout the project, they remained proactive, dynamic, flexible, and adaptable. This approach ensured the fluid process was delivered on track with the programme and meeting project milestones.


Learn more here: Case study

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